PLANS 曬燈計劃
We have 13 different machine models across 3 locations in Hong Kong. With different power outputs, each session will last from 7 to 10 minutes. Our wide variety of tanning plans from "sets" to "monthly pass" allows full flexibility to suit your needs . Call us to enquire!
Tanning Studio 有13部不同型號曬燈機分佈於全港3間分店。不同型號有不同紫外線能量輸出, 每一節由7至10分鐘不等。 我們的不同曬燈計劃由月票到節數能夠配合每位客人的曬燈實質需要。歡迎致電再作查詢!

* Terms & Conditions apply
1. Please call us for further information on the relevant machine models for each plan (請致電我們了解曬燈型號詳情)
2. Each set will last between 7 mins to 10 mins depending on the machine model (每一節時段由7至10分鐘不等,視乎曬燈機型號)
3. A registration fee at HKD200 is chargeable for any new joined customers. (新客戶需在首次登記時支付200港元作新客戶登記費)
4. Warm Reminder: Outdoor tanning lotion cannot be used within Tanning Studio's indoor tanning facilities (溫罄提示: 戶外太陽油不能在本店室內曬燈設備使用)
5. Monthly pass entitled to use maximum 1 tanning & 1 collagen session per day (月票每天可享用最多一次曬燈及一次紅光膠原療程)

Central, Causeway Bay OR Mongkok
(中環, 銅鑼灣或旺角)
1 session (節) - $ 250
20 sessions (節) - $ 3,899
40 sessions (節) - $ 6,699
60 sessions (節) - $ 8,399
* Terms & Conditions apply
1. Please call us for further information on the relevant machine models for each plan (請致電我們了解曬燈型號詳情)
2. Each set will last between 8 mins to 12 mins depending on the machine model (每一節時段由8至12分鐘不等,視乎曬燈機型號)
3. A registration fee at HKD200 is chargeable for any new joined customers. (新客戶需在首次登記時支付200港元作新客戶登記費)
4. Warm Reminder: Outdoor tanning lotion cannot be used within Tanning Studio's indoor tanning facilities (溫罄提示: 戶外太陽油不能在本店室內曬燈設備使用)